Table of Contents
In this Starting out with Hugo guide, we will be setting Hugo, which self-claims that Hugo is the world’s fastest framework for building websites. For us, Hugo’s main advantage is that it eases whole website generation and maintainance.
The main content are written effortlessly by using markdown. Markdown usage totally cuts the requirement of HTML in the website. Still, for some further options, such as embedding videos or svg files, we might require writing small codes. These codes incorporate Hugo’s own syntax in Go though they are straightforward.
The selection and usage of Go in Hugo makes it fast and safe. We can have a live demo that shows our changes on the fly. When we are satisfied, a second-long compilation will give us our website in HTML, CSS and if needed JS.
At this point, I should note that I wrote this website is written using Hugo without a single line of JS, yet the flexibility and features I have are mindblowing. For example, I have syntax highlighting, selection of code-blocks with a single click, embedded-video, able to write/render Latex code. Please note that I do all of these inside markdown using aferomentioned quick codes and so on. Please check the source code of my website if you want to see the options.
Installation and Preperation
Let’s start with download Hugo. I used pacman in this example since I use an arch-based GNU/Linux distribution. Of course we may find the other ways described in the [official website].
pacman -Sy hugo
Create a new website. The configuration file uses file format of toml by
default, if we are more accustomed to yaml, we can set it up by adding
--format yaml
to the below command. Nonetheless, let’s continue our guide
with toml given that it is the default.
hugo new site $website_name
Download a theme and initialize it. Themes may be found on the
website, and should be installed as a git
submodule. You should fill $git_link
and $theme_name
below using the theme.
cd my-website
git init
git submodule add $git_link themes/$theme_name
Also, we should tell Hugo that we have a new theme. Simply, let’s modify our configuration file to represent this.
theme = "$theme_name"
Now, we can live-demo our website and see how great it looks like. From this point on, whenever we modify any file our website will get dynamically updated.
hugo server &
firefox http://localhost:1313/
Finally, we can create out new post, usually posts are located under the folder
. Below, the first command to creates a single post, and the second
command creates a post encapsulated in a directory.
hugo new posts/"$post_name".md
hugo new posts/"$post_name"/
Above command gets very useful when we introduce user-defaults to Hugo in
. Currently, we have only three settings in the default
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true
Where to head next?
You may want to refresh your markdown knowledge, possibly you wish to engineer your own theme. Below websites should help with markdown and theme creation. Github theme is a good start for the designing a theme, and it comes with a video. CSS and HTML skills are another story if own theme is being designed.