Workout Optimal Sets

Gokberk Gunes   —  

Table of Contents

Introduction Collected From RP Hypertrophy

RP (Renaissance Periodization) have been publishing optimal of sets for each body group to get maximum amount of hypertrophy1. In this text, we will cover optimal number of sets and create a short and sweet workout rotation. We will be using the handy tool created by Ryan Lefebvre, as can be seen here, also a similar table is given in this reddit post.

Numbers Collected From RP Hypertrophy

In below table, we can see

  • muscle groups
  • number of sets to do in a week to preserve muscle
  • weekly sets to do to start properly building muscle
  • weekly sets to get optimal muscle hypertrophy

It is important to note that, some of these muscle groups may require less or more sets depending on three factors: genetics, proper technique and current muscle size. For example, during calve training if you strecth calves at the bottom of a calf raise, you can reach optimal volume by doing half of the number given in the below table. On another note, one may expect to reach lower-end of the optimal value if they are beginners and vice versa for experienced bodybuilders.

Muscle Group Maintenance Vol. Starting Vol. Optimal Vol.
Back 6 10 11-19
Quads 6 8 9-17
Hamstrings 3 4 5-12
Glutes 0 0 4-12
Chest 4 6 7-19
Front Delts 0 0 0-12
Side Delts 6 8 9-24
Rear Delts 0 6 7-17
Biceps 4 8 9-19
Triceps 4 6 7-19
Calves2 0 1-4 4-10
Abs 0 0-6 7-24
Traps 0 0-4 7-24
Forearms 0 2-8 9-19

Even though these numbers place in the optimal volume ranges, due to genetic variations we might need to do more or less than required sets. Broadly speaking, we should still be in the upper and lower thresholds of given optimal volume marks. However, since most of the movements we are do are compound, the numbers are bound to change. Therefore, we need a method to decide personal number of optimal sets.

In order to decide personal optimal number of sets, we can use four predictors:

  • soreness level and length
  • amount of pump during the sets
  • progressive overload
  • perceived challenge

Example Bodybuilding Routine

In this routine, we will exercise 3 days and have 1 day rest day time afterwards. However, rest day will have accessory movements that one can prefer to do in other days. This, routine splits muscles into three categories, namely push-pull-legs. This way, one can leave a muscle group to rest for a good amount of time while working out rested muscles. When we follow this program, roughly, we train every muscle twice every week.

Day 1: Leg Day

The example leg day below is one of the shortest leg day which covers all the four lower body components: glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves. Generally, lower body muscles is optimally trained 1-3 times per week, and in this plan we will train them twice.

Leg day incorporates four movements: Bulgarian Split Squats, Heels-Elevated Squats, Stiff Legged Deadlifts (or Romanian Deadlifts), Single Leg Calf Raises. All of these exercises are compound and machine-free movements. Therefore, this leg day is quick, effective, accessible. However, this day will cause a lot of stress on our bodies, i.e., axial fatigue, given that they are compound movements.

During the leg day, we only need a bench, a squat rack, and two dumbbells. Also, we may easily replace today’s movements but we should not pick inferior movements (tension during lenghtened/streched position is needed). Thus, we should pick movements that have tension under stretch, i.e. movements that are fit to be done as lenghtened partials.

During these movements, try to pause on stretched position for maximum growth. These pauses allows us to do less sets for the optimal hypertrophy. Therefore, not only we avoid doing the higher end of optimal value but also we get less fatigued because of the workouts.

Movement Muscle Group Set/Day
Split Squat Glutes 3
Squat3 Quads 4
Romanian Deadlift Hamstrings 3
Single Leg Calf Raise2 Calves 3

Leg Weekly Volumes

Above leg workout results in below weekly volume against optimal weekly volume when done twice a week.

Muscle Group Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Glutes 6 4-12
Quads 8 9-17
Hamstrings 6 5-12
Calves 6 4-10

Day 2: Pull Day

This day will be done twice, and both of the days will be exactly same as shown below table. During these days, we will do 4 different movements targetting target traps, back, back delts and biceps.

Movement Muscle Group Set/Day Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Front Shrugs Traps 4 8 7-24
T-Bar Row Back 3 12 11-19
Lat Pulldown4 Back 3 12 11-19
Inclined Dummbell Curl Biceps 4 8 9-19

Pull Weekly Volumes

The above two variations of pull days end up as in below table in terms of weekly volumes against optimal weekly volume when done twice a week.

Muscle Group Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Traps 8 7-24
Back 12 11-19
Back 12 11-19
Biceps 8 9-19

Day 3: Push Day

In a week we will do two push days, during these days most of the movements are the same. However, in one of these days we will focus more on front delts, and during the other we will focus more on triceps. This difference just comes from second movement in the superset as shown below.

This day’s movements are Inclined Bench Press (IBP), Cable Overhead Triceps Extension, Front Raises, Overhead Single-Arm Dumbbell Extension.

During the push day, we will train our chest, triceps, front and middle delts.

Push Day: Variation 1

Movement Muscle Group Set/Day Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Inclined Bench Press (Superset) Chest 3 12 7-19
Front Raises (Superset) Front Delts 3 3 0-12
Dumbbell Flies Chest 3 12 7-19
Overhead Dumbbell Extension Triceps 3 9 7-19
Lateral Raises Side Delts 4 14 9-24

Push Day: Variation 2

Movement Muscle Group Set/Day Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Inclined Bench Press (Superset) Chest 3 12 7-19
Cable Overhead Triceps Extension (Superset) Triceps 3 9 7-19
Dumbbell Flies Chest 3 12 7-19
Overhead Dumbbell Extension Triceps 3 9 7-19
Lateral Raises Side Delts 4 14 9-24

Day 4: Break Day

During this day, you may want to work on your forearms and side delts. Below table could be done to complete whole body workout.

Movement Muscle Group Set/Day Group’s Set/Week Optimal Vol.
Reverse Wrist Curl Over Bench Forearms 3 12 9-19
Palms-Up Wrist Curl Over Bench Forearms 3 12 9-19
Lateral Raises Side Delts 3 14 9-24


During the workouts, focus on progression and to get stronger. Also, during the sets try to get near muscular failure, 1-2 repetitions shy of failure could be said as the optimal range. This is basically due to good fatigue to hypertrophy ratio.

On the one hand, if we get closer to failure we will not have enough time to recover. On the other hand, if we do not get close enough to failure, we will not have enough stimulation for muscle growth.

Lastly, if we are progessing but not getting sore muscles this signals we can increate volume a little bit. In contrast, if we get sore and this soreness is affecting us on the next workout we should reduce the volume on that muscle group.

  1. ↩︎

  2. Go deep and pause at stretched position during calf movements. Without this hack, required volume is doubled. ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. One of the quads is not properly trained here, one should prefer to do leg extensions every other leg workout day. ↩︎

  4. If Lat Pulldown is not available, do Pullups. If both are not possible, prefer bench supported Meadow’s Row or Dumbbell Row. ↩︎